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Goodbye to 2023/24 - thanks for a fantastic year

Wow. This year has flown by, and what a big one for the PTA it’s been. We’ve had amazing support from our dedicated team members old and new. We’ve loved having so many of you volunteer and rep for your classes. It has made all the hard work for our wonderful school such a pleasure!

This year we’ve tried lots of new stuff and gone big on our old favourites too:

  • We launched the exciting Calm Spaces initiative - creating an accessible and relaxing place for children to reset and refocus - with work hopefully underway soon

  • We introduced the Ashton Gate Amazon Wishlist - and you helped sell it out twice over!

  • The PTA now has a swanky new website so you can read about us whenever you like

  • We ran our biggest-ever Summer Fest: great music, cracking prizes and a great slice of Euro 24

  • Volunteering is now slicker than ever, and we’ve struck up some great ties with local businesses

  • Our Christmas programme, discos, and the infamous pub quiz all brought fantastic success

If you’re keen, here are some good ways to get more involved in the PTA in 2024/25 - maybe helping with events, PTA class reppin’, or joining the team. For now, pop a couple of dates in your diary for next year:

  • PTA Welcome BBQ - Saturday 21 OR 28 September - TBC

  • The PTA Annual General Meeting - Wednesday 25 September

Fundraising highlights of 2023/24

Another bumper year of PTA fundraising is done and we’ve paid towards some amazing school activities. We’re always speaking to the school about where best to channel PTA funds, and look forward to working with them on more exciting projects next year. Here are some of the things your money has supported:

  • The first build phase of the Calm Spaces project - starting soon

  • New football kits for the Key Stage 2 team

  • £300 to supply the Upton site with chalk for a year

  • £4500 for forest school - fully funding Year 3's sessions

  • £9000 for play therapy sessions for the year, for children needing help with speech and language

  • £2000 for revamped book corners for every class

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Ashton Gate Primary School

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